What are the main benefits of using this product over other products?
I don't know.
The answer does not provide any information about the benefits of the product.
Please provide an overview of what this product does.
This product provides a search engine for travel connections in Switzerland. It allows users to filter their search by preferences such as transport type, length of transfer time, accessibility, occupancy, and comfort. It also displays train numbers.
The answer provides a clear and comprehensive overview of what the product does, including its features and functionalities.
How much does this product cost?
This product costs CHF 19.-, for children 6-16 years old.
The answer provides the cost of the product for children aged 6-16, but does not mention the cost for other age groups or any additional pricing details.
How do I contact support for this product?
You can find contact information for support in the "Help & Contact" section of the website.
The answer clearly states where to find support contact information on the website.